JDBC Request [failed to init connection]
Hello everybody,
I try to create an http request.
First, i download the ojdbc6 from Oracle site.
Second, i copy this jar in the C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.2.1\bin\ext [as i read in this forum].
Third, i create my JDBC request.
It does not work : i can't connect to the database.
Then i copy also the ojbc6 in the C:\Program Files\SmartBear\SoapUI-5.2.1\lib.
It does not work.
When i try to connect to my database, i have always this error :
com.eviware.soapui.support.SoapUIException: Failed to init connection for driver [com.oracle.jdbc.Driver], connectionString [jdbc:oracle://co-tou-sdbd01.corp.evotecoai.com:1521/tltmos]
I take the same host name, the same port and the same SID that i use with the tool SQLDeveloper to connect myself to the database.
But with SOAP UI, it does not work.
However, i copy the jar in the /bin/ext
Please, could you give me some directions to solve this problem ?
I thank you in advance,
It appears that the connection string that you are using is incorrect.
Try the below:
jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port Number:databaseName