Forum Discussion

jjmierwa's avatar
New Contributor
13 years ago

How do I force soapAction to be set to a specific value

I have a CXF based service that is using WS-Addressing. I keep having issues because SOAPUI seems to auto-generate the soapAction. The problem is that it differs from the WSA action and, furthermore fails an an invalid action if I set the WSA Action to match what SOAPUI generates for the soap action.

So my question is how can I force SOAPUI to set the soap action to follow http://[wsdl namespace]/[wsdl port type]/[wsdl:input name]|[wsdl:output name] which is what the WSA addressing default gets set to?

Can anyone help?
  • Hi,

    SoapUI uses the soap action as mentioned in the WSDL file to which the soapUI projects refers.
    You can also set this soap action for WSA in the WS-A editor of each request.

    Kindly check the attached image.

    Rohit Shingalapur
  • jjmierwa's avatar
    New Contributor
    Thanks very much for the reply. I knew about setting the WSA values from the WSA tab but your statement "SoapUI uses the soap action as mentioned in the WSDL file to which the soapUI projects refers" reminded me to check the properties pane for the operation. I noticed that it wasn't showing a soap action even though I had explicitly defined one. Then it dawned on me that I hadn't refreshed the requests after I had added the soap action into the wsdl. I recreated the project and it was working like I originally expected it to.

    Thanks again!