Forum Discussion

Karbert's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago

lastOpened property causes svn conflict



We store the composite projects in SVN. After closing and reopening a project, a new property is added to the project's setting.xml file: lastOpened. Unfortunately this causes SVN conflict in case more users open the same project, even if nobody changed anything. 

Is there a possibility to disable the creation of this property?


Best regards,

Norbert Kando

  • I've managed to "fix" this by removing the lastOpened attribute in a projectListener's beforeSave method:


    public void beforeSave(Project project) {
        ProjectConfig pc = ((AbstractWsdlModelItem<ProjectConfig>) project).getConfig();

  • Karbert's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I've managed to "fix" this by removing the lastOpened attribute in a projectListener's beforeSave method:


    public void beforeSave(Project project) {
        ProjectConfig pc = ((AbstractWsdlModelItem<ProjectConfig>) project).getConfig();

    • jmwest's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi, can you share the entire java file that you used?  Also, what version of the soapui jar are you using?  I am trying to solve this exact same problem but there is no ProjectConfig.unsetLastOpened() method.  I have tried the following two artifacts to no avail:








      I am not sure what I am missing.  Here is what I have so far:


      package soapui.listeners.project;


      import com.eviware.soapui.config.ProjectConfig;
      import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.AbstractWsdlModelItem;
      import com.eviware.soapui.model.project.Project;


      public class MyProjectListener extends ProjectListenerAdapter

          public void beforeSave(Project project){
              ProjectConfig pc = ((AbstractWsdlModelItem<ProjectConfig>) project).getConfig();
              pc.unsetLastOpened(); //Compiler Error: "Method unsetLastOpened() is undefined for type..."



      My first attempt at a listener for SoapUI so any help here would be greatly appreciated.  




    • linkeshkanna's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I am using the latest version of Ready API - 1.9.0 and I am not able to see the BeforeSave Event Listener.