Forum Discussion

mishrawish's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

request response storing in Excel - An issue

Hi I have more than 3-4 webservices which are put within a test data loop which is managed in a excel sheet. For each test data, I will have 1 set of request and response for each of the webservices. Everything is working fine except storing the output in my response excel. Only last webservice request and response are stored and rest all coming as blank.
If I run it one by one then it is storing but if I run it in loop then rest other data is not stored and only last request and response is stored.

Can you help me? Thanks for your help in advance

4 Replies

    • MarcovS's avatar

      I only have a few tips for you:


      1. Please don't be impatient. It's not a direct request-reply community ;-)
      2. You're very generic in your description. Can you make a screenshot of the content of your TestCase?
    • nmrao's avatar
      Champion Level 3
      Not sure why you want to store request response to be stored in excel, instead write it an xml file and have these file name references in excel.
      • mishrawish's avatar
        New Contributor

        Thanks for the response..


        Here is my requirement;


        I am trying to get the results in excel and compare it with the expected one and produce a test report in excel automatically. this is the reason why i want to store the results in excel sheet.


        I hope it is clear now. can you help me on this??