Forum Discussion

erikralenius's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

loadUI JIRA script component

Hi all!

I have created my first script component for creating a JIRA issue for Web Page Runner failures.
If you find any bugs or have suggestions of improvements. Please let me know

The component can be downloaded from:

Just unzip the archive into the script-components folder in the loadUI root folder.

The JIRA component must be connected to the leftmost output terminal (resultTerminal) of the Web Page Runner
component. The status message will change to Ready when you are connected.

Next, specify the maximum number of captured failures you want in your JIRA issue by turning the knob.

Then click on the Settings button and fill out the settings.
Observe! The password is sent unencrypted over XML-RPC to the specified JIRA server. Use SSL if possible.

Now we are ready to capture some failures. Keep an eye on the Failures captured counter to know how many failures has been captured.

When the running test has been completed, an issue with all captured failures is created including the time, URL and generator properties used when the failure was captured.

If you get the status Issue failed when trying to create the JIRA issue, please check you settings.
You could also try to run the loadUItest.bat script to a more specified error message.

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