Forum Discussion

scheysni's avatar
9 years ago

WSDL not correct in SOAP VirtResponse

The location of the import leads to a blank page:

<wsdl:import location="-WSDL&interface=ReceiveCustomerSoapBinding&part=ReceiveCustomerAbstract.wsdl"></wsdl:import>


In SOAP 5.2.1, the location always begins with location="?WSDL


When our application(java) tries to send a message to the WSDL, we have the following error:

XML reader error: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxEOFException: Unexpected EOF in prolog
 at [row,col,system-id]: [1,0,"http://localhost:8080/-WSDL&interface=ReceiveCustomerBASSoapBinding&part=ReceiveCustomerAbstract.wsdl"]