Forum Discussion

algorithmComp33's avatar
Occasional Contributor
13 years ago

Table Log relative path problem


I am able to run a successful load test on my virtual machine (acting as an agent) and I have checked the "Enable in distributed mode" checkbox for both of my table logs, and I am running the load test from "Distributed" mode, however, when I go to the path specified in the table log settings dialog, I cannot find my Error Table Log.

The relative paths I specified for both my statistic table log and error table log in the settings dialog(s) were:


and these paths were specified in the field under "Comma separated, relative to loadUI home dir" in the table log settings dialog for each table log. I have also checked to "Save Logs" in both of my table log settings dialogs. However, I was only able to see my StatisticTableLog.csv file but not my ErrorTableLog.csv file.

I also tried the following paths, but once again I was only able to see my StatisticsTableLog.csv file:


One thing to note is that while the test was running, I could see the statistics in the StatisticTableLog generated in real time, while the ErrorTableLog appeared blank.

I found the StatisticTableLog.csv file on my local computer that was running the loadui controller.

Are these relative paths correct or could you specify a path for my ErrorTableLog.csv ? If not, then could you specify the path for me? I seriously need help with this problem.

Thank You.
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