Forum Discussion

onthepulse's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

SSL 'peer not authenticated' while going via proxy


I am new to SOAPUI, so please excuse my n00bness. I am using SOAPUI 4.5.2.

I am trying to access a remote web service over SSL via a proxy. I believe my proxy replaces the remote certificate with its own. I think the right way to go is to get SOAPUI to trust the proxy's certificate.

The following is the error I am receiving: peer not authenticated

I have seen several posts on the web about this issue. They seem to recommend:
1. Adding "" to soapUI-4.5.2.vmoptions
2. Adding a .PFX file from the server to the SSL preferences tab
3. Selecting "requires client authentication"

I have a copy of the .CER file from the proxy. But in the SSL settings, I only see the option for a .PFX keystore file. Do I need to create a .PFX file on the proxy server? I have tried the other two options (#1 & #3) to no avail. This seems to relate to client requests and I am having trouble with certificates on remote servers.

Any help appreciated.

1 Reply

  • onthepulse's avatar
    New Contributor
    I went back to SOAPUI 4.0.1 and the issue does not occur. Found this answer on the boards somewhere. Don't you love it when you solve your own issue.