Forum Discussion

lifelancer's avatar
13 years ago peer not authentic


When I'm doing the functional testing in SoapUI, I found no problem to connect and test the web service using https protocol.
However, when I am using the same SoapUI project in LoadUI, I encounter the error: peer not authenticated
for every request I sent.

Any hint on how should I resolve this?

Thank you so much,
  • Hello everyone,

    I'm facing the same problem. Using SoapUI 4.5.1 and LoadUI 2.1.1.
    When running the service from SoapUI it has no problem going over HTTPS, when running from the LoadUI SoapUI Runner it returns: peer not authenticated
    Cancelling due to failed test step

    Is there any way to fix this?

  • linkeshkanna's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I am also facing the same issue.

    Did you guys found any workaround for this?

  • LoadUI is using an unmodified version of SoapUI to run SoapUI projects. When you also get this error in SoapUI its most likely is an SoapUI issue.

    I'm moving the issue to the SoapUI forum.

    LoadUI Developer
  • GiscardN's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Hi Linkesh,

    Under your SoapUI installation, in the \jre\bin\lib\security folder, backup the file. Then replace it with the one attached (remove the ".txt" from the file name).
    Please verify that you are not getting the error in SoapUI.


    SmartBear Support
  • mlmeta's avatar
    New Contributor
    Hi Giscard,

    using SoapUI 5.0.0, I am getting the same error. The host to which I want to post a SOAP request uses a self-signed certificate. The file you provided unfortunately did not help (I replaced it under jre\lib\security in the JRE from the SoapUI 5 installation). Is there a setting for ignoring untrusted certificates? In Preferences -> SSL settings I can only specifiy a key store, not a trust store.

    Soap UI 4.0.0 has no problem accessing the same address.

    Best regards,
  • mlmeta's avatar
    New Contributor
    From another post I got the idea to check the proxy settings. When I added the offending host to the exclusions, it worked.

    Would still be a nice feature to be able to ignore SSLPeerUnverifiedExceptions, though.