Forum Discussion

Nationwide_Insu's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago peer not authentic

when I connect to my external web service s(published on internet) passing through the company's HTTP Proxy, I get the "ERROR:Exception in peer not authenticated" instead of having response. I have setup Proxy settings properly into preferences, I am using SOAP UI Pro 5.0 Version.

Surprisingly, with SOAP UI 4.0 (Open source) version same proxy settings and my same external web services provide proper response

I have read prior POSTs from forum and seems like lots of folks have similar issues, but not able to find any concrete answers from SOAP UI support guys, it would be great help if you can provide solution to this.

Thanks in advance for your support.
  • Hi,

    Have you checked the following posts?


    Our developer Manne did comment on the second post I listed about the JRE security changes from an earlier version SoapUI was using (such as 4.0) compared to the current version (5.0.0).

    SmartBear Support
  • Hi Marcus,

    Yes, I have gone through all, nothing helped out.. I got that JRE Security changed, but what is changed and what is the resolution of this to use SOAP UI Pro 5.0 version.

    I have checked proxy settings, as wel limported certs as mentioned in posts but nothing helped out. We are in middle of big project and don't have time to do more stuff.

    Please let me know how can I use SOAP UI Pro 4.0 version with our current licence.

    Thank you
  • Unfortunately this may have to do with your certificates not meeting the current standards, it works in 4.0 because we used an older library back then.

  • Well, I have checked certificates and those are valid and not expired, I have imported perticular certificates to ...\SmartBear\SoapUI-Pro-5.0.0\jre\lib\security\cacerts successfully, but no luck I am still having the message "Peer not authenticated", I have gone through all previous post and found that there was defect tracked as a "SOAP-14" into your system but haven't found that defect also.

    I have tried to open ticket but there is defect in opening ticket system and it doesn't load any dropdown values.

    Please let me know if you guys can do any Webex / Goto meeting short session with us to review the issue.

    Thanks fo ryour help in advance, Hope to hear soon.