Forum Discussion

sv's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

Readyapi property expansion not working in kafka Connection Settings options

I am running readyapi from command line and passing a properties file as an system option. The properties are successfully resolved in most of the cases (rest api endpoint, database connection), the only problem seems to be in the Kafka configuration, specifically in the "Connection Settings" tab.

The command executed is: "path\to\testrunner.bat" "-sTest Suite" "-cTest Case" -r -j -f${WORKSPACE} "-RJUnit-Style HTML Report" -FXML -EDEFAULT"properties.txt" path\to\readyapi-project.xml

I have tried to access the property with all the possible options provided here:

Can you please advice on how can i dynamically pass the properties to the Kafka connection settings?

4 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Possible to show the screen shot of properties you are mentioning about?

    • sv's avatar
      New Contributor


      The properties in this tab are not resolved, in the basic settings they get resolved.

      Thanks for the reply!

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Thanks. Would it be possible to show Basic screen shot and sample properties from your property file as well?

    • sv's avatar
      New Contributor

      properties filebasic screenshot


      Hello sorry for the late response, these are 2 screenshots from my properties file and basic tab.

      Please note that we have tried to access the properties also by using the global notation (as stated in the initial description)