Forum Discussion

deb's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

Looking for generating Access Token for OAuth 2 Flow -> Client Credentials Grant using groovy script

2 Replies

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey deb,

    Is there a reason youre not trying to use the embedded OAuth functionality rather than relying purely on groovy script to do it?

    You also have the option of rather than relying on theembedded functionality, you can in fact just create the 5 or 6 REST calls you need (emulating the calls madeby the OAuth functionality) to generate the token. I had to do this before when the OAuth solution had been customised away from the normal grant types so i couldnt use the embedded functionality.


    • deb's avatar
      New Contributor

      Hi Rich.


      We do not want to use the embedded OAuth functionality. The reason being we do not want to have the Client secret and other input data hard-coded.

      This will not let push our script to git due to compliance issue. 


      One option I was looking for if we could feed those input data from external file such as .json/ excel....


      Else, use a groovy script that could replicate the flow of Auth Manager--> Oauth2 for generating the Access token without using the embedded OAuth functionality


