Forum Discussion

tomptomp's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

I am trying to assert in groovy that any value appears in this tag in the response. A wildcard

I am trying to assert in groovy that any value appears in this tag in the response and creating a wildcard in a RegEx in groovy is killing me:






def response = context.expand( '${GetPersonnelRetrievalType#Response#declare namespace s=\'\'; //s:Envelope[1]}' )

def SearchParameter1 = context.expand( '${#TestCase#SearchParameter1}' )


I tried:
assert response.contains(SearchParameter1 + ">" {/./} +"<")

assert response.contains(SearchParameter1 + ">" {/*/} +"<")

assert response.contains(SearchParameter1 + ">" {/.+/} +"<")

assert response.contains(SearchParameter1 + ">" /.+/ +"<")


ad infinitum.



2 Replies

    • tomptomp's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Because XPath expressions include the other elements of the XML and namespace specifics which in my scenario will change from response to response.


      I suppose I could use the built in 'Contains' assertion but I would still need to insert a RegEx wildcard into it, which I cannot figure out