Forum Discussion

Sandyapitester's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

How to pass the whole response value in my POST request - SOAPUI PRO NG

Hi All,


I need to pass the whole get response value in my post request, it's possible in soapui pro version 




Get API - will get the response like




      "NAME": "ABC",

      "Number": "11111",

      "LASTNAME": "TEXT",

      "NAMEINFO":       [


            "CURRENTDATE": "2016-08-19",

            "SURNAME": "ABC",

            "STATUS": "PASS",

            "CurrentTIME": "04:43:51.52",

            "userINFO": "XY",

            "versionNumber": "11111-111-111-1111-1111111111111"



I need to pass whole data in my POST request  like 


Post : 




      "NAME": "ABC",

      "Number": "11111",

      "LASTNAME": "TEXT",

      "NAMEINFO":       [


            "CURRENTDATE": "2016-08-19",

            "SURNAME": "ABC",

            "STATUS": "PASS",// ( Need to change the status like "STATUS": "FAIL"

            "CurrentTIME": "04:43:51.52",

            "userINFO": "XY",

            "versionNumber": "11111-111-111-1111-1111111111111"




and before passing the whole data need to change the parameter value too like 


 "STATUS": "FAIL" instead of "PASS"


It's possible in SOPAUI PRO version 


Please guide me am looking for valuable updates


1 Reply

  • New2API's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Hello, you could use JsonSlurper or JsonBuilder to update a Json node.


    import net.sf.json.*
    import net.sf.json.groovy.*
    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    import groovy.json.JsonBuilder


    def RESPONSE = context.expand('${#TestStepName'#Response}').toString()

          RESPONSE = new JsonSlurper().parseText RESPONSE



    def NewReq = new JsonBuilder(RESPONSE  //assumusing you have only one item here... for multiple items you have to loop through


    testRunner.testCase.testSuite.setPropertyValue("NEWREQ", "${NewReq}") //Update modifield json payload at testcase level property


    in the post request's media type section use testCase property expansion method.




    hope this helps!!!

