Forum Discussion

ykowalko's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Load configurationwith ramp-up and ramp-down


We search if we can configure a load test and stress test in loadNinja tool.

For example, for the load testing we will search to run this similar configuration following. But we didn’t see how to configure this type of configuration in LoadNinja tool:

Loading Zone :
 Paris, FR (amazon:fr:paris)

Load configuration :

{ target-VU: 35, duration: "1m" }, // Ramp-up of  0 to 35 Vus on 1 minute
{ target-VU: 35, duration: "20m" }, // Peak Time of 35 VUs during 20 minutes 

{ target-VU: 105, duration: "1m" }, // Ramp-up of  35 to 105 Vus on 1 minute
{ target-VU: 105, duration: "10m" }, // Peak Time of 105 VUs during 10 minutes

{ target-VU: 35, duration: "1m" }, // Ramp-down of  105 to 35 Vus on 1 minute
{ target-VU: 35, duration: "20m" }, // Peak Time of 35 VUs during 20 minutes

{ target: 0, duration: "1m" }, // Ramp-down of  35 to 0 Vus on 1 minute

Diagram of loading wanted




Thresholds :

  Metric: Response Time

  Statistic & condition: >= 99 %

  Value: 500 ms

If we try to simulate the same configuration in your tool we can’t have the same diagram:


Thank you in advance for your answer,


  • LoadNinja only provides the option to stop the test abruptly or to let the test run until all virtual users have completed their sessions. There is no built-in functionality to gradually decrease the number of virtual users during the test.

    As of now, you can only achieve something like 30-33 minutes of your graph:


1 Reply

  • LoadNinja only provides the option to stop the test abruptly or to let the test run until all virtual users have completed their sessions. There is no built-in functionality to gradually decrease the number of virtual users during the test.

    As of now, you can only achieve something like 30-33 minutes of your graph: