Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

New Community Feature - Reply by Email

Hi SmartBear Community!


Our Team is constantly working to bringing you the best community experience, here's a great improvement we implemented recently - you can reply to the community posts straight from the email notification.


For example, if you post a question and someone replies in the thread you've created, by default, you will receive an email from the Community notifying you of the answer you received. This email will contain the following options:


If you click the 'Reply' link and type a message, it will be posted to the Community as soon as you hit 'Send'. 

You can give Kudos/accept replies as Solutions right from the email as well.


Note: It's important to click the link shown in the screenshot above, in the body of the email. Just clicking the 'Reply' or 'Reply All' button in your email app won't post anything to the Community.


I hope you will find this feature useful! Stay tuned for more great enhancements.

Let us know if you like this feature in the comments below.


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