Forum Discussion

danrald's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Why does it work in TestComplete but not TestExecute

I have some code in Testcomplete that works fine on my machine. But when I deploy to any test machine

it sometimes works. Meaning. sometimes the code works, sometimes it does not. The code at hand is this:


browser = Sys.WaitBrowser("*",10000);

page = brower.FindChild("ObjectType", "Page", 1000);



It always works in TestComplete, but sometime it does not work when I deploy to TestExecute. I would

say that fails in TestExecute 75% of the time.





  • You can either do that and keep bumping it up to find a good time for your machines or you could start high, with maybe 10000 and if that works, then lower it until it doesn't work.  It will take a little experimenting.

6 Replies

  • Marsha_R's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Since you're running them on different machines, you may need to adjust the wait time in your WaitBrowser or

    change the time between events here:

    Tools->Current Project Properties -> Playback


    We have found that increasing the time between events helps our tests run on more machines.  We still need some Delay or Wait statements but not as many.

    • danrald's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      This is interesting. We currently have 50 ms for event delays. What would you suggest? I'm going to bump it up to 1000 for the meantime.



      • Marsha_R's avatar
        Champion Level 3

        You can either do that and keep bumping it up to find a good time for your machines or you could start high, with maybe 10000 and if that works, then lower it until it doesn't work.  It will take a little experimenting.