Forum Discussion

Darkwater23's avatar
Frequent Visitor
9 years ago

Can I add or use RAW Fiddler requests in a Ready API project?

I've downloaded and installed a trial version of Ready API. I created an empty project, but I can't see a way to add RAW HTTP requests to my project. I capture them with Fiddler and I would like to setup a load test using the captured requests.


Can this be done?



2 Replies

  • However, is it possible for you to generate the traffic again, from your machine?


    If so you should be able to use Discovery, setting Ready! API as a Proxy rather than Fiddler.


    Good luck!



  • Unfortunately there's no easy way to do it at the moment.


    I've been wanting to create a plugin for importing Fiddler captures ever since we created the new Plugin architecture, but I haven't had time to do so yet.


    Kind regards,

    Manne, Ready! API Developer