Forum Discussion

New2API's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

Event handler is not triggered when running a REST test step from a Groovy step.

Hello, I have created a eventhandler i.e., TestRunListener.afterStep and configured to run only after REST test step. Purpose of this eventhandler is to collect some test output data such as URL, response time, execution date, HTTP Status code etc and record into a test database.


TestCase step up:

RESTTestStep1 (GET)


RESTTestStep2 (POST)


The response from Rest TestStep 1 is consumed/parsed/built by Groovy teststep and used as a JSON payload by REST TestStep 2.  JSON payload is unique and changes based on some criteria and it needs to be iterated N number of times. In order to post these JSON payloads, I am calling REST step 2 in side groovy using  -  testRunner.runTestStepByName(RESTTestStep2)  // Execute RestStep Here //


Problem: Since my groovy script is calling/executing a REST test step, Event handler is not recording the result after REST step 2 is being executed. 


My understanding was that irrespective of calling method REST step 2 is being executed and Event handler should be triggered. But it looks like event handler treats my execution as a Groovy step not a REST step.


Is there any way to handle this or make this work?


Thanks in advance.

9 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Please post the script that is used in Event Handler.
    • New2API's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hi Rao, please note that below script works for all other testcases where REST  teststep is executed independently. Issue is when REST step is executed from a groovy step.


      import net.sf.*
      import net.sf.json.*
      import net.sf.json.groovy.*
      import groovy.sql.Sql
      import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
      import groovy.json.JsonBuilder
      import java.text.DateFormat
      import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.Assertable


      //Get Some info
      def TestSource = context.expand('${#TestSuite#TSNAME}')
      def FilePath = context.expand('${#TestSuite#ResponsePath}')
      def TestExec = context.expand('${#TestCase#RUNTIME}')
      def TestCase = context.getTestCase().name
      def TestStep = context.getCurrentStep()
      def RestStepName = TestStep.getLabel()


      def date
      def URL
      def ResTime
      def httpStatusCode
      def Response
      def FileName
      def DataVal

      // Append TestStep name to testcase if more than one REST step is in the testcase //
      if(context.getTestCase().getTestSteps().size() > 1 && TestStep.config.type == 'restrequest'){
      TestCase = TestCase + ' - ' + RestStepName
      TestCase = TestCase


      //Perform below actions only if TestStep is a REST call //
      if (TestStep.config.type == 'restrequest'){ "-------------------------------------------------------" "Running ResultLogger..."

      date = new Date().format("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm a") //Get current date//
      URL = context.httpMethod.getURI() //Get REST URL//
      ResTime = context.httpMethod.getTimeTaken() //Get response Time//


      // Get REST response //
      Response = context.expand('${'+RestStepName+'#Response}').toString()
      def json = new JsonSlurper().parseText Response
      Response = new JsonBuilder(json).toPrettyString()
      Response = groovy.json.StringEscapeUtils.unescapeJava(Response)
      }catch(e){ "Exception occured while parsing"
      Response = context.expand('${'+RestStepName+'#Response}').toString()



      //Get Http Status Code //
      def httpResponseHeaders = context.testCase.testSteps[RestStepName].testRequest.response.responseHeaders
      def httpStatus = httpResponseHeaders["#status#"]
      httpStatusCode = (httpStatus =~ "[1-5]\\d\\d")[0]
      httpStatusCode = "ERROR"

      //## Generate dynamic file name to store responses ##//
      FileName = RestStepName + ".txt"
      FileName = FilePath + FileName

      def jsonfile = new File(FileName)
      jsonfile.delete() "Writing response to $FileName"
      jsonfile << Response


      //## Capture Assertion Status ##//
      def Assertion, ErrorLevel, TestStatus
      if(it.status.toString() != 'VALID'){
      Assertion = 'Fail'
      }else {
      Assertion = 'Pass'


      }catch(e){ "Assertion script didn't run"

      //##Get TestStatus ##//
      if(httpStatusCode == '200' && Assertion == 'Pass' ){
      TestStatus = 'PASS'
      TestStatus = 'FAIL'

      //## Get Error Level ##//
      if(httpStatusCode != '200' && TestStatus == 'FAIL'){
      ErrorLevel = 'Error at Request Level'
      }else if(Assertion == 'Fail' && TestStatus == 'FAIL'){
      ErrorLevel = 'Error at Assertion Level'
      ErrorLevel = ''


      //## Establish SQL Server Connection ##//
      def sql =Sql.newInstance("jdbc:sqlserver://DATABASE_SERVER_NAME;Database=DB_Name;integratedSecurity=true","") "Connected to SQL server..."

      //## Insert Test Results to SQL Server ##//
      SQLQry = ""
      SQLQry += "insert into DB_Name.DBO.TEST_RESULTs values ("
      SQLQry += "'" + TestSource + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + TestCase + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + URL + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + httpStatusCode + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + ResTime + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + TestExec + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + FileName + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + TestStatus + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + ErrorLevel + "', "
      SQLQry += "'" + date + "' "
      SQLQry += ")" "Inserting record in SQL server..." "SQL statemement is... $SQLQry"
      sql.execute SQLQry //Execute SQL statement// "Closing SQL connection..."
      //## Close SQL connections ##//
      sql.close() //## SQL Server Connection ##// "Finished ReportLogger..." "-------------------------------------------------------"



      • nmrao's avatar
        Champion Level 3
        Was it a groovy script step? or script from Event handler? If not please provide the same.
  • New2API nmrao I ran into similar problem today, any help


    Original Problem in this post is solved in latest versions of ready api but still there is 1 place from where event handler is not running, see problem statement below.


    Problem Statement :

    Create 1 event handler of type TestRunListner.afterStep in which i am doing something.

    In my project there is a groovy test step which run another rest test step named as "API" via below code which does not trigger event handler.

    Does Not Work

    def runner = testRunner.testCase.testSuite.testCases['TS1TC1'].getTestStepByName("API"),context)


    If i have groovy script like below, event handler gets triggered.

  • Problem Statement above is my question where TestAfter Step handler does not run when i am running step via groovy