We solved this issue by using the following Gradle/Groovy-based code, that updates the TC12 project to enable only the wanted test items to run:
def patchMdsFile(Project project, File mdsFile) { def testItemToEnable = project.properties.testItem if (!testItemToEnable) throw new GradleException('Please set the `testItem` parameter (string containing the name of the test item to enable).') project.logger.lifecycle("Enabling test item ${testItemToEnable} in ${mdsFile}...") def mdsRoot = new XmlParser(false, false, true).parse(mdsFile) def projectVersion = VersionNumber.parse(mdsRoot.@version.toString()) project.logger.info("Detected project version ${projectVersion}") if (projectVersion < VersionNumber.parse('12.0.0')) throw new GradleException("The project file uses an unsupported TestComplete version (${projectVersion}). Please upgrade your project to version 12 or above.") mdsRoot.testItems.children.testItem.each { def isEnabled = it.@name == testItemToEnable project.logger.info("Test item '${it.@name}' enabled flag: ${isEnabled}") it.@enabled = isEnabled } mdsFile.write(XmlUtil.serialize(mdsRoot)) }