AlexKaras's avatar
Champion Level 3
4 years ago
New Idea

[Poll] Do we like to preserve the Synchronization Point functionality of TestComplete?

What's New section for just released TC 14.74 contains a notification that support for the Network Suite functionality is going to be discontinued.
Network Suite contains a great functionality of Synchronization Point that is essential for concurrent testing of any application (desktop/mobile/web).
This functionality is going to be removed as it is a part of the Network Suite.

I think that without Synchronization Point it will be impossible to do concurrent testing with TestComplete and thus would like to ask to preserve it in this or that form.

  • autoguy1's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I would also like this preserved. We have tests that require access to multiple machines within the course of a single test and this functionality is needed. Not everyone just used to to run the same tests on different machines. 

  • I agree with keeping the sync points and network suite . Removing them would involve a massive revision of the code, with too much effort.

  • simonaferrara's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    Different teams in my company uses the Network Suite functionalities to develop and execute tests on complex distributed scenarios.

    We absolutely need them to run these tests and there is no other mechanism to develop them.

    So, we agree that it is very important to keep the capability of Network Suite & synch points.

  • daniele's avatar
    New Contributor

    We absolutely agree to preserve Network Suite & synch points capabilities to work with Desktop App

  • We absolutely would like to retain the capability of Network Suite & synch points.  Parallel Environments with Selenium Grid only partially replaces.  However, we need the capabiity for desktop apps.  Why deprecate Network Suite in the first place?