jsc's avatar
Regular Contributor
10 years ago
New Idea

Make logs and their folders easily understandable

Currently the name of the logs added to TestComplete and the folders created for the logs are not really helpful.

We created a script that modifies them to be easily understandable. I'd prefer this would be done by TestComplete itself.


So it should be possible via scriptextensions to:


1) Rename log-folder

- Input parameter: String

- Output: Foldername = String 

- e.g. Foldername: "4.6.1788 - 07-01-2015" (version.revision, date,...)




2) Rename logname that is shown when added to TestComplete (Project Suite Logs)

- Input Parameter: String

- Output: Log-name = String

- e.g. The log is shown in TestComplete: "4.6.1788 - testpart 1 - 2 errors - 06-01-2015" (version, revision, part of the test, #errors...)



3) Set path of log

so that logs can be stored in some specified place

- can be stored where there is more hd-space available

- logs from different pcs can be stored in the same place



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