OgnjenSr's avatar
Regular Visitor
2 years ago
New Idea

Intelligent code completion feature

Would you consider implementing intelligent code completion in TestComplete anytime soon (for Python in particular)?

It would save a lot of time not just for devs when it comes to writing the code, but also for QAs who are not that much familiar with coding itself when they have to write tests (by just calling desired classes and methods).


Some examples:


# Test.py

class Class1:
    def SomeFunction(self):

def Test():
    class1 = Class1()
    class1. # the option for choosing SomeFunction should pop-up here




# Test1.py
class Class1:
    def SomeFunction(self):

    def SomeOtherFunction(self):

class1 = Class1()

# Test2.py
from Test1 import *

class1. # intellisense for calling functions SomeFunction and SomeOtherFunction


 I look forward to hearing from you soon on this matter.