kakabubu's avatar
3 months ago
New Idea

Execution plan. Enable Disable redesign

Execution plan.

The most often scenario for us:
Run tests with only several items enabled. Items can be in different groups
1. The Context menu is complicated
Every time I have to search for the proper option, when I expect it to be in the first, or second position
Also often after disabling the part of the playlist I accidentally press 'Enable All' instead of 'Enable selected' and then I have to start from scratch because Ctrl+Z also does not work on this tab
Just 'Enable' and 'Disable' menu items will be enough
(maybe 'toggle' may stay, someone can use it)
BUT enable or disable action should apply for all selected items 
So 'Enable all' action could be performed by pressing Ctrl+A and then ClickR, 'Enable\Disable|Enable'
Same for 'Disable all'

2. Enabling the item does not enable the parent items
So you have to click each parent manually. 

3. Ctrl+Z should work in case of undo Enbled Disabled

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Context menu for "Enable\Disable" is for enabling and disabling the Test Items within the Execution Plan. Whereas, the context menu for "Mark\Unmark test cases" is to check/uncheck the Test Cases. The behaviour is similar to most tree list views.

    • kakabubu's avatar

      Yes, you are right. There are two columns with checkboxes. But I set the value in the column "test case" once and never changed it. At the same time, occasionally, I have to run a group of tests in the middle of the playlist.
      Also, the context menus are different even though they have the same order of items. One has icons another - do not.