• Hi MLoetscher - 


    I see - after converting to script I think its more clear what the issue is - ill try to come up with a solution in this case. The second line is where I specified a specific sheet - it seems like in that case its referred to as a table instead of the file and thats why its it is different.


    I will keep you posted. 



  • Hi ebarbera,


    Now I have figured out what we do differently. I chose the 'Compare a specific sheet in the workbook' option, in which case the FileName parameter is not available. You chose the 'Compare the entire workbook' option. In your case a file comparison is done, but I want to compare the entries of the sheet.

  • Hi MLoetscher -


    The clicks are a little tricky - if a step is highlighted in the list of steps it actually is important under which column you click, you will have to perform two slow clicks in value column. 


    You should see an ellipsis like this:

    From the ellipsis you will be able to edit without going through the menu. 


    Let me know if that helps!



  • Hi ebarbera,


    If I change the checkpoint after creation, the wizard opens again. I have this behavior with the latest version 15.10. Which version do you have?

  • Hi MLoetscher - 


    You will have to change it after you create the checkpoint - it will not allow you to do it from the wizard.