barak's avatar
New Member
8 years ago
New Idea

SwaggerHub Pause Integrations Option

When working on an API in SwaggerHub with multiple integrations, every time I update the API, each integration kicks in (pushing multiple commits to GitHub, updating AWS, etc). 


In order to iteratively work on my API in small steps, I need to disable each integration one-by-one, and then re-enable them one-by-one when I get my API where I want it to be.


It would be useful to have a fast (one-click) way to disable and then re-enable all integrations so that I can work on my API without thrashing my integration targets.

  • fbmattos's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi barak-


    Really sorry about the delay getting back. We're in the process of planning our revamped editor UX, and we can add a button next to the integrations that quickly allows you to enable/disable integrations.


    Another option we're looking into is to allow you to work on drafts, and then 'commit' you changes when you're ready. The integrations in this case would trigger on the commit only, and I believe it would solve your problem as well, agreed?



  • Nohcs777's avatar
    Regular Visitor

    I like the commit changes idea!

    barak wrote:

    When working on an API in SwaggerHub with multiple integrations, every time I update the API, each integration kicks in (pushing multiple commits to GitHub, updating AWS, etc). 


    In order to iteratively work on my API in small steps, I need to disable each integration one-by-one, and then re-enable them one-by-one when I get my API where I want it to be.


    It would be useful to have a fast (one-click) way to disable and then re-enable all integrations so that I can work on my API without thrashing my integration targets.


  • HKosova's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Update: Source control integrations are now decoupled from the "Save" action. There's a separate "Push" button to push the changes to the connected repository.



    API gateway integrations and webhooks are still triggered on save.