Integrate SwaggerHub with Shibboleth IDP
Following the documentation of SwaggerHub,, I created a metadata file. But, the metadata file does not contain SSL certificate of SwaggerHub on-prem. So, the Shibboleth IDP does not accept it. Did anyone integrate with SwaggerHub on-prem with Shibboleth IDP? How did you create your metadata? Any ideas are appreciated.
John Wang
This issue was resolved by
1. Tuning the Shibboleth IDP to set encryptAssertions to be false, signAssertions to be false, and signResponses to be true
2. On the SwaggerHub (on-prem) side, using Redirect binding instead of POST binding for SAML Identity Provider SSO URL.
I think it will be helpful for whose who use Shibboleth Identity Provider as SAML IDP.
Best regards,
John Wang