Support for development and execution of generic scripts I would appreciate additional support for scripting: - script console to develop and execute generic Groovy/Javascript scripts (similar to G...
Workspace support for scripting
9 years agoChampion Level 3
I am second to you on this. However, it is possible to achieve this without waiting for this feature.
Like rupert_anderson mentioned in his first reply, using building custom library user have flexibility to choose different jvm languages such as groovy, java, and scala or even mix of them. Of course, it requires rebuild the library for any changes. If ant or batch scripts are created for the same(to compile, build, stop soapui, copy libraries and start soapui), which I do, it is easy to accommodate frequent changes faster rather doing the procedure manually.
Here, we have to note that, even if you use Ready API feature Script library:
- Should there be a separate groovy script to be created(using the library script) or to execute for the common tasks that you mentioned?
- will that be going into a new test step in a project?
- Or just limited to Script library directory? If so, how that common script can be executed ?
Because, haven't used it.
Even now, if I were to do it, probably would create separate Utility SoapUI project for such need using Open Source edition. Haven't tried though.
- This project, obviously, do not have any wsdls, just utility scripts.
- Create test suite and further classify into different tests cases based on the specific need.
- Depending on the need, parameterize the test case, such as to accept project name etc ( in case if needed to be updated other projects). May be have one specific script for each test case which would perform particular task.
- Would be a clean approach.
- No duplicate of the common scripts.
- Do not have to copy the script into the project as a test step and which you do not want to do.
- Create scripts leveraging the custom library.
With this approach, the tasks you mentioned be achieved, IMO
- bulk change of a property within a project (or multiple projects)
[Rao]can be done
- launch several selected test suits
[Rao]can be done. In fact, I would prefer to use testrunner.bat/.sh to do this headlessly
- launch all test suits of selected projects
[Rao]Same as above.
- generate a test project from a list of WSDLs etc.
[Rao]can be done.
By the way, another strong feature of Pro is events which allows to execute some arbitrary script on certain event. And an extension has been create, is available for Open Source edition too. Refer here.
Couple of posts on the custom events :
Feel free to comments / questions / suggestions.
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