Ready API 3.6.0 Allow for Assertions to be minimized - NEED MORE SCREEN SPACE
Prior to this release test step assertions were always allowed to minimize, now it is not.
I have groovy scripts and SOAP Request/Response xml that can be 100's or 10,000's of lines.
* When my SOAP test step first opens up there is only 10 lines at a time that can display.
* When I minimize the Assertion area I can get it to 15.
* To collapse it on the right side so we can obtain the length of the screen.
* Return it to allow the Assertions to collapse out of the way.
Related suggestions:
* For those of us that utilize ReadyAPI with Groovy and JDBC's more, it would be good to have better work area real estate when you push out these changes.
* Also if a portrait screen was more user friendly I would use that more, unfortunately my home version (thanks to Covid) my portable monitor doesn't allow good screen resolutions.
* Collapsing the left side and the bottom would be a fantastic option.
Thank you!