f4br3New Member4 years agoStatus: Accepted for DiscussionReadyAPI otimized version for Apple silicon (M1) Hello, everyone! Given the breakthrough and popularity of Apple's new silicon (M1), I think there should be an optimized version of ReadyAPI for this silicon, as it will obviously run faster than us...Show More
Nastya_KhovrinaSmartBear Alumni (Retired)4 years agoStatus changed: New Idea to Accepted for DiscussionRIA-16158
Related ContentDate.Format failing after upgrading ReadyAPI to version 3.3.1Does ReadyAPI 3.20 version contain log4j 2.17 ?ReadyAPI 2.7 trial version giving blank screenInstall older version of ReadyAPIReadyApi/SoapUI preferences gone from previous version of ReadyApi