srinubalsu's avatar
Senior Member
10 years ago
New Idea

ENH: Repeat the HTTP/REST request for n times with specified delay between each trials until passed

Requesting for an enhancement to repeat the every HTTP/REST request for n times with specified delay between each trials until it passes its assertions.


We are facing a problem in our testing while using two web interfaces.  The first REST send a request to second HTTP/REST service which will take some time (Not sure, it may be from 60secs to 300secs anywhere). With a hard coded delay, it was very tough and wasting lot of time for testing.


With this feature, it saves lot of time and effort. I knew this can be done through conditional step, but it has so much work involved with each step.


BTW, basic behavior of any HTT/REST request should not change by default. it should behave like as usual now. One more this is, it is test step level feature.