andresorhus's avatar
Frequent Visitor
7 years ago
New Idea

Add feedback to log during loading of Script Library

Ready API 2.1


Composite project in git repo with /Script folder with .groovy scripts.


Project properties configured with Script Library: " ${projectDir}\Scripts". There is a space padded in front of the path expression.


This causes the script loading to fail (no groovy scripts are found) - silently. No information about this is reported at startup (ReadyAPI log)




1) Information about the script library (either globally or project relative) discovery process should be outputted to the ReadyAPI log.

2) Failures in this process should be shown as warnings or errors.

3) Failures to parse/compile this files/classes should be warned in ReadyAPI/Error/Script log.

4. General failures during loading should be informed about to user in non-intrusive way (e.g. a red bar in lower window information pane).

5) Path expressions (values in properties) should be left-right trimmed.



André Sørhus


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