josulli1's avatar
Regular Visitor
10 years ago
New Idea

Start a review without choosing him/herself as a representative of the review group to participate

Review pool is enabled.


Review doesn't start until someone from the group chooses him/herself as a representative of the review group to participate => Is there possibility to start a review without this step?

  • IanCirrus's avatar
    Occasional Visitor

    The review pool functionality really doesn't work as I expect.


    We have a policy that reviews need 2 reviewers.  The review pool feature seems perfect for this...except that if I just set the review with 2 reviewers from a review pool and no named reviewer, CodeCollaborator complains that there is no reviewer.


    To me this seems to completely miss the point of the review pool reviewers.  I have assigned reviewers, and the whole point is that I don't need or want to specify who they are up front. 


    I have assigned reviewers to the review.  I just don't know their names yet.  Therefore I should be able to start the review.  I shouldn't be able to FINISH the review without both slots being filled, but I should be able to start it.  Otherwise there's a chicken and egg problem


    *         I can't start the review until someone fills a slot

    *         But they won't take a slot until the review is started


    Please update so that review pool reviewers are counted for the purposes of starting a review.  At the moment I have explicitly add someone, which misses the point of the review pool in spreading the effort across the team.



