kpk1001's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago
Accepted for Discussion

Archived review id's not removed from the reviewers home page/dashboard.

We have recently upgraded our Collaborator server to 9.4.9400 with the update site 8.4.8406.001.

Below are the observations:

1. We have archived review items older than 3months old and as a reviewer we have old review items with different status that are not required on the web display dashboard. Is there any mechanism to eliminate this issue as this is causing a confusion for the reviewers when they are having more than 100 review items on their home page/dashboard?
2. As part of RTC/QNX integration, developers change code in the RTC/QNX system -> attached an existing work item to the change - > then submit for a review. During this, in the backend collaborator is loading all the existing review items and also the archived items which is taking more than 15min in creating a review. This is causing a performance issue on RTC/QNX side.

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