jhume's avatar
Regular Visitor
30 days ago
New Idea

Two new Variables Needed for Alert Templates

I'd like to be able to send Alerts from AlertSite into the Dynatrace Third Party Synthetics Events API.  However, I can't because Dynatrace's POST API requires two values that aren't available with the currently provided variables in the Alert Template editor.

The following two variables are needed:

UTC_Epoch_Time_ms - Dynatrace requires the event timestamp field to be in UTC Epoch milliseconds (like this: 1727110341000).  AlertSite's DT_Status variable is a formatted timestamp string, plus it's in the time zone that the account is set to (which is a whole other can of worms...).

Alert_ID - Dynatrace's API requires a unique Event ID value.  I can kind of simulate one by putting the Monitor ID value and DT_Status variables together so that we get a unique ID.  But it'd be nice if some kind of unique ID number would be available via a variable (surely in the AlertSite database these Alerts have unique ID's for each of them, just give us a variable to pass that on).

As it is now, I have to write a script that will regularly query the AlertSite API to see if there is an alert and, if so, pass on a properly formatted Event message.  It's a shame as using the AlertSite Alerts would be much more appropriate and efficient...

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