bmorey's avatar
Regular Visitor
2 months ago
New Idea

Modify headers

This is related to case #00612238 with Pulkit Agarwal.

We use an application that requires the browser to come from a windows host, currently Smartbear hosts are from Linux. This immediately gets stopped by our application and is not allowed.

Pulkit was able to work with engineering and showed that there is an option to modify headers and this worked, however it is not GA at this time and I do not have the rights to modify the headers and Pulkit showed me from his end.

This enhancement would allow us to avoid looking to another vendor.

  • Hi,

    It sounds like modifying the headers could be a crucial enhancement for your application’s compatibility. Given that this feature isn’t GA yet, I recommend submitting a formal request for this enhancement to your Smartbear account manager or support team. Highlighting the impact on your operations and the need to avoid switching vendors might help prioritize this request.

    Hope this helps!

    • bmorey's avatar
      Regular Visitor

      I did that and it did work Finnley 

      This actually went GA yesterday and works as expected.

  • Modifying the headers to simulate a Windows host for your application is a promising solution. Since this feature isn't generally available yet and you lack the permissions to modify the headers yourself, I recommend requesting temporary access or elevated rights to implement this solution. If obtaining these rights is not feasible, consider DGME asking Pulkit or another team member with the necessary permissions to assist you in applying the header modifications. This enhancement could be crucial in preventing the need to switch vendors.