bohidarab's avatar
Regular Visitor
5 years ago
New Idea

Conditional frequency set up for monitors

We need to increase the frequency of run when a failure occurs in any of the monitors. This feature is available for public nodes and should be available for private nodes as well.

  • bohidarab's avatar
    Regular Visitor

    To increase the frequency of run when a failure occurs in any of the monitor and setting it back to normal once the error is cleared.


    Example: We have set the run frequency for each monitor to 10 mins. In case of failure we want the specific to run at a frequency of 2 min until it passes. Onse it starts working fine we want the frequency to go back to 10 min.


    The solution that was provided comes with an overhead of creating a whole new service/System to make API calls to alert site upon receiving of error/clear alert from alertsite . This should be something that could be an inbuilt within alertsite to set it up.