govinddrolia's avatar
2 years ago
New Idea

While importing test cases via Excel, allow linki to req based on an Excel column with Jira ID

As a user importing test cases via Excel, I'd like the option to link test cases to requirements by mentioning the requirement ID (Jira ID) and link type in Excel itself.



  • Status changed:
    New Idea
    New Idea

    Lucy Leonenko Feb 21, 2022
    SmartBear team, this feature is critical for us as we create thousands of tests and currently map them manually, which is a huge overhead. Please include this feature as a priority.


    Dawn Cain Jun 9, 2022
    this feature would be a HUGE win.

    My QE teams consistently ask how to reduce the massive overhead of linking imported Test Cases to the Zephyr Requirement. The users find it unreasonable that the tool assigns a Requirement ID and doesn't allow auto-linking during TC import.

    Test Architects/PI Test Planners are sometimes linking 2000 test cases manually... that is a very expensive task that is able to be automated.