7 years agoOccasional Contributor
New Idea
Want a link from Log Items to the Project Test Item
After a test runs and I am looking at the log, I am able to look at the Call Stack or the Message and link to the Test. That's great!
But, almost every time, I also want to resume the test run with a specific test item at or near the one I'm looking at in the log. So, the left pane is called, "Log Items" and it contains a mirror image of the project items that ran.
One way to implement could be a new right-mouse popup in that Log Items pane, called something like, "Jump to Project Test Item". This is the same popup that contains the options:
* Create Issue
* Send via E-mail
* Select Panel >
* Export to
* Post Defect to Bugzilla >
* View Results in IE
* Error >