Currently the name of the logs added to TestComplete and the folders created for the logs are not really helpful.
We created a script that modifies them to be easily understandable. I'd prefer this would be done by TestComplete itself.
So it should be possible via scriptextensions to:
1) Rename log-folder
- Input parameter: String
- Output: Foldername = String
- e.g. Foldername: "4.6.1788 - 07-01-2015" (version.revision, date,...)
2) Rename logname that is shown when added to TestComplete (Project Suite Logs)
- Input Parameter: String
- Output: Log-name = String
- e.g. The log is shown in TestComplete: "4.6.1788 - testpart 1 - 2 errors - 06-01-2015" (version, revision, part of the test, #errors...)
3) Set path of log
so that logs can be stored in some specified place
- can be stored where there is more hd-space available
- logs from different pcs can be stored in the same place