- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
From what I see of AutoIt, it is basically VBScript with some extra objects and methods for interacting with the UI. If you're familiar with AutoIt, have you tried the VBScript language in TestComplete? I really don't see, in the brief bit I'm looking at, much difference between the AU3 files and syntax and a TestComplete VBScript unit.
- Sven-SeyfertOccasional VisitorHi tristaanogre, yes AutoIt is relative similar to VBScript. Btw: It's also a mix of PHP syntax. But it's more comfortable and it's comes with some pretty good UDFs (User Defined Functions). These "libraries" are very helpful a you can save a lot of time. VBScript isn't as good as AutoIt. Just for a quick overview look at the possibilites at: https://github.com/J2TeaM/awesome-AutoIt . Thanks for your comment and interest tristaanogre.
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
Actually, I don't have interest in AutoIt... Just noting that AutoIt has built into it already many of the features and such that TestComplete already has (I've browsed the AutoIt site). AutoIt, as I understand it, is not so much a language as a tool in and of itself, almost a direct competitor to TestComplete. So... it doesn't seem to be within the best business interests of SmartBear to promote AutoIt... would be a conflict of interest....
- Sven-SeyfertOccasional VisitorAdditionaly I have to say yes, I have tried VBScript in TestComplete. Currently I use this as a calling method to some AutoIt scripts. Because VBScript often doesn't provide what I need for automation.
- tristaanogreEsteemed Contributor
If VBScript doesn't fit the need, try Python or JavaScript. Both these are well developed scripting languages and, combined with the many built in objects in TestComplete, you can do pretty much anything.
- Sven-SeyfertOccasional VisitorThat's a good point tristaanogre. May be it's possible to combine some technologies and testing tools. Because we don't use just one tool for our QA requirement, we follow the the approach of "best bread" in development and quality assurance. But still the competitor point is right.
- Sven-SeyfertOccasional VisitorI would like, but from company view, Pyhton is unfortunately no option. Privatly I use Python since two year and I love it. But so what - companies ;) .
- sakshi29New ContributorCan you please let me know how can we integrate AutoIT with TestComplete
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