bravura-lsim's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago
New Idea

Auto Deploy in NetworkSuite should not copy hidden folders or be able to exclude folders like .git

Auto Deploy in NetworkSuite should not copy hidden folders

Git places a hidden .git folder in the ProjectSuite folder, can we not copy it, it slows down the Copy.

Or provide a way to specifiy relative subfolders / files that we can ignore in this copy

  • Reason being if you have a large project, then most of the space is going to be taken up with a hidden folder called .git or .svn


    For example my project folder is 47.7MB, almost half that (15.6MB) is in the .git folder, which the slave does not need to see.


    If you use NetworkSuite for more than a few slaves at the same time, the copy can take longer than the test run.