TBValdez's avatar
10 years ago
Accepted for Discussion

Test Metrics Reporting

Recommending that the reporting feature within QA Complete be updated with more flexibility and user friendliness.  One thing our QA team does for reporting is generate test metrics reports which list the Test Set Name or Test Name, the # of Tests (not runs), # passed, # failed, # blocked.  While we understand the logic behind displaying the values off the # of runs for the tests for reporting purposes, our customers and project teams do not want to know that we executed a test set 3 times and it failed twice.  They want to know the # of total tests (baseline #), # passed, # failed, # blocked and not based off of execution.  They do not want to see that we ran Test A, itertion #30, 6 times.


For example, if Test Set A has 5 tests but with tokenization has 300 test iterations the report needs to display 5 tests for this Test Set and note the # failed, # passed, # blocked.  Right now the canned reports in QA Complete are displaying this based on the tokenization iterations which is too detailed.  We have spent hours working with these reports but with reporting being built around Crystal Reports this limits our ability to build the report we need. 

  • gxwheels152's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Also need Trendline Reporting for tests and test runs over time

  • nemox's avatar
    Occasional Visitor

    Hello there, how I can download the Test Metrics Reporting? API supported download? Don't found this function in the Test Metrics page..