johnmcdraper's avatar
Occasional Contributor
9 years ago
New Idea

Keep a log of changes to the review itself.

Currently, detailed reports do not keep track of changes to the reviews themselves.   


After you create (begin) a review, changes such as adding or removing attendees, changing review title/description/custom fields are not recorded anywhere.   For accounting and Quality purposes, having a log of review attribute changes is helpful to have around.


  • Hi


    In Reports >Detailed Report you will see most of the information such as the comments, values for those custom fields.


    Please have a look and see if the information in the "Detailed Report" is sufficient





    Technical Sales Engineer

  • johnmcdraper's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    ahhhh - but that will show you the CURRENT information.   If I go in and change any of the fields, the report will again show the current value - there is no log containing the old value, when it was changed and by who.  

  • MrDubya's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    There is a similar request for an audit trail here - have a look, in one of the replies there is a URL to get at least a partial audit trail, would be good to make it a more prominent feature with a full history though.

  • johnmcdraper's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Wow - that was super useful.  Thanks for the pointer.    Clean that up a bit and you're real close to what I was looking for...


    Glad that feature is "hidden".  :-)