Hi, this community is dead, zero support by the smartbear team, but, may be this can help you:
the Automation API and REST API authenticate differently,
for Automation API as simple as:
Generate JWT Token
but for REST API you need to generate the qsh, etc, take a look:
if your using nodeJS here is an example:
const method = 'GET';
const url =
generateJWT: async function(method, url) {
const now = moment().utc();
const req = jwt.fromMethodAndUrl(method, url);
const tokenData = {
"iss": zephyr.credentials.accessKey,
"iat": now.unix(), // The time the token is generated
"exp": now.add(3, 'minutes').unix(), // Token expiry time (recommend 3 minutes after issuing)
"qsh": jwt.createQueryStringHash(req, false, 'https://prod-api.zephyr4jiracloud.com/connect'), // [Query String Hash](https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/jira/platform/understanding-jwt/#a-name-qsh-a-creating-a-query-string-hash)
"sub": '' // Your people ID https://********.atlassian.net/people/5bb7ad0ccc53fd0760103780
const secret = zephyr.credentials.secretKey;
const token = jwt.encodeSymmetric(tokenData, secret);
return `JWT ${token}`;