Forum Discussion

zeigerr's avatar
Occasional Contributor
4 years ago

Import of TestNG results file


"Zephyr Squad - Test Management for Jira Data Center Version 6.2.3"



I am using the built in Automation-Task functionality to import test results from JUnit and TestNG.
Import of JUnit file works, Import of TestNG file fails.

If I hover over the red icon with the exclamation mark beside the FAIL status in the status column I get the information "undefined"


Might the import be dependend on a specific TestNG Version? Where to go on if an import fails? Thanks.

  • zeigerr's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I created a simple TestNG testcase and run it. The generated testng-results.xml could be uploaded.
    Nevertheless the testng-results.xml file generated by out automation department fails to get imported. it is valid xml, nobody should have tempered with the file.

    Can somebody provide a xsd-file to check against. There are different posibilies to:

    a) the result file is currupted and hence can not be imported (where do I get infos about it, I suppose it is internalyy validated against a xsd anyway),

    b) the result file is generated by a TestNG version not supported by Zephr

    c) it might be a bug

    • zeigerr's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Can someone from smartbear confirm that it is an bug within the TestNG import? Thanks. I can provide the generated TestNG result xml file.