How to get export Test execution comments from Zephyr Squad
We've recently migrated from Server to Cloud.
I have a report I need to get out by the end of the week that used to work perfectly on Server but on Cloud I've discovered that while test step comments are included in the Test Cycle export the main test execution comment isn't. We used this field to inform our customers why a test is in a particular state so it's absolutely vital that I extract this information as it forms an integral part of the report.
SmartBear have told me to create a custom field, but as I have 507 tests, I can't update them manually because I'd have to open them all one by one.
Updated to add that I've just been told absolutely flatly that I can't do it so I need to create a field call 'Test Execution Comments' and my testers are going to have to manually open and update 507 tests and going forward we're going to have to put the information into both the custom field and the Zephyr field because our Midori reports extract the Zephyr field while SmartBear can't extract it themselves.
This is absolutely dreadful - I've had nothing but trouble with Zephyr Squad for Cloud. If I was starting from scratch in Jira Test Management on Cloud, I'd have chosen something else.
Can anyone else suggest a workaround for this?