Forum Discussion

snatarajan's avatar
3 years ago

Unable to update test case execution status using the "Create test execution" Zephyr Scale Cloud API

Unable to update test case execution status using the "Create test execution" Zephyr Scale Cloud API

Could some one please tell me how we could update the test execution status for a given test case in a test cycle as Pass or Fail via Zephyr Scale Cloud API?

Any sample api request would help.


Request response below:


  "testScriptResults": [
      "statusName": {
      "actualEndDate": {
      "actualResult""User logged in successfully"
  "environmentName""Chrome Latest Version",
  "comment""Test passed"
    "message""Invalid Payload"
Thanks in advance!
  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi.  I'm not using the API much at the moment - not enough to be able to offer advice - but the documentation is not as helpful as I would like it to be.  There are others in the community with API experience but am not sure how long you might wait for a response.


    You could contact the SmartBear support team here for advice