Forum Discussion

mohana's avatar
2 years ago

Test case csv import error message

Good Morning all,

I am trying to import test cases via csv and encountering issues.

1. I have saved my test cases in csv format (comma delimited and UFT8), 2. uploaded the csv file, 3. indicated the location of test cases to be saved in Scale, 4. indicated the starting row to be imported from, and 5. completed the Field Mapping.


In my next step (Data Mapping), I notice the labels I have included in my csv are unable to be mapped to the target value (even though I have checked the box to automatically create unmapped labels). So I selected labels that I had previously Mapped (when creating a test case manually) and clicked next button. Screenshot attached


System throws an error message which I believe is a generic error message. How can I know what actually went wrong? Screenshot attached

Appreciate Help and advice.

Thanks in advance




  • Successfully imported test cases via csv import. However, I have a few questions:



    1. When you create manual test cases in Scale you can create labels, but if you are importing test cases with new labels, for some reason Zephyr Scale is not creating new labels (I am calling this as a defect with Zephyr Scale, because it clearly says Zephyr Scale will automatically create new labels for any unmapped labels).  Is there a way we can raise this defect, so that this will be fixed? 


    The work around for the above issue is to create the labels manually (via Configuration option in Zephyr scale) before starting to import the test cases csv file. Scale will then detect the labels without any errors.


    3. Noticed when importing test cases via csv, system will throw an error message if the owner column has the name (eg. John.Doe). The system will accept cell value "632009a8c7601c8e4abec925" rather than the name. Question is how we get this value for various testers who will be involved in testing. 


    Hope that helps,






  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Hi Mohana,


    1. I have created labels using the import feature.  From memory I think you should see an option appear in the import process that asks if you want labels to be created


    3. I just answered a question about this a few minutes ago here, but here's the solution I posted:


    The way I currently find [the userID] value is to create a Jira issue, assign the user I want to import as the reporter or assignee, then use the "Export to XML" function (which opens a new tab) and find the username and corresponding userID value.  I then record the userIDs into a table in the Jira issue so that I have a record for the future if needed...