Forum Discussion

Stefan_N's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

Removing a testcase from a test cycle also removes its' execution history

Hello Community

When editing the test cycles we discovered that the existing test verdicts for given test case which is removed from the specific test cycle, will be lost (deleted). Also, trying reconnect the test case back to the specific test cycle, the old results will not reappear, but a new list of execution results will be created. 

Is it something you can prevent? (deleting the results)


  • Hi

    Permissions won't solve it (fully. 
    We've instead made fix, 'hiding' the delete button in the testcase list view in Zephyr thus preventing deletion of test cases in the suites


  • Stefan_N's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Use case below:

    Pre definition:

    • A Test Cycle includes Test Cases.
    • Test Cases are executed.
    • Execution history is in the Test Case.
    • All execution history for a specific test case executed within that specific test cycle is also linked to that Test Cycle in the execution history.


    • One of the Test Cases is removed from that specific Test Cycle.


    • When a Test Case is removed from a Test Cycle, all the execution history of executions done within that Test Cycle is removed from the execution history in the Test Case.
  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3


    I think you're explaining that the removal of a single test case from a test cycle removes all test executions for that single test case, not that the removal of a single test case from a test cycle removes all test executions for all test cases (if it's the latter, that sounds like a bug you should report to SmartBear Support).  If it's the former...

    Based on my understanding of how Scale is designed, it makes sense that this would happen: 

    • Test Executions can only be created by adding Test Cases to Test Cycles (the process of adding a Test Case automatically creates a Test Execution record with a status of Not Executed)
    • When you execute a test script you're not actually recording a result in the Test Case - you are recording a result in the Test Execution (which is linked to the Test Cycle)
    • When a Test Case is removed from a Test Cycle, the Test Case and Test Execution are removed

    Do I like that it works that way?  No.  I've had this issue occur a few times.  My preference would be nice that Scale remembers the Test Execution and places it into a holding area where we could decide whether to re-attach to any Test Cycle of archive as an orphaned record.




    • Stefan_N's avatar
      Occasional Contributor


      Thanx for a quick reply!

      Yes, agree with your view, that Scale remember the results. 
      Another quick? solution would be to add a 'permission' to remove testcases from a testsuite or issue a warning, if they have execution results. 

  • MisterB's avatar
    Champion Level 3


    That could be a good way of working around the issue so at least you're warned.  There is a permission set for Scale in Project Settings > Apps > Zephyr Scale... and in the Permissions section you'll see that there is the ability to set access rights for Test Cycles and Test Executions.  I've not yet had the need to use permissions so can't talk to how well they work, but they might help.


    • Stefan_N's avatar
      Occasional Contributor


      Permissions won't solve it (fully. 
      We've instead made fix, 'hiding' the delete button in the testcase list view in Zephyr thus preventing deletion of test cases in the suites
